ADDICTIONS.. Here you are, caught, trapped, and in some ways enslaved by some passion that has you hooked – drugs, pornography, alcohol, sex, gambling, food or something else. You have tried, on numerous occasions, to break out.
But you still feel defeated and now possibly hopeless.You’re ready to give up.That’s why you are looking at this book. Maybe there is something in this unique work that will help you break the chains of your addiction and set you free. Maybe.
Good! Because that, “maybe” may be the thing that will get you into this book and finally find freedom.Now all you have to do is use these prayers, these targeted weapons against your addiction everyday. Commit to at least 30 days, and you could begin to notice the chains of your addiction begin to drop off one by one.How? Your Holy Mother will be praying for you. She will arrest the attention of her son, Jesus, who will, if you let him, set you free, liberated, let out of the prison of your addiction. After all, he specializes in doing this and wants to do it for you.
So breathe a sigh of relief. Help is on the way!